When I left WageEasy, my collegues spoiled me with a voucher for Red Balloon.
Red Balloon is web site where you can select all kinds of adventure activities.
One of the biggest issues for me, was trying to decide what type of activity to choose.
I did the standard thing of narrowing the scope by progressively eliminating various options.
Fianlly (as you can guess by the title of this web page) I decided to go for a helicopter flight.
The particular flight that I choose, was at the Twelve Apostles, near Port Campbell on the Victorian Coast.

The flight lasted for approximately 7 minutes, but was absolutely worth it.
Heather and I both took heaps of photos, and I have managed to select 21 that I hope will give a sense of the fun we had.

There was just the plain novilty factor, as we had never been in a helicopter before.
There were the spectacular views, which we could really appreciate from our vantage point added to the fact that we were not travelling very fast.

The coast line was just sensational; lots of interesting colours and shapes and just bascially rugged.

I am so pleased with these photos, and very grateful to all those who contributed so generously.
I am just sorry that it has taken me so long to put this slide show together, so my apologies for that.

Click here to see the "Helicopter" slide show